
Beech Tree Meaning

Symbolism of the Beech Tree

Traditionally the beech is called the 'Queen of Mother of the Woods', sharing a place of honour with the kingly oak. As such the beech is considered to be protective and nurturing, giving shade with its canopy and food that can be eaten in its raw state. 
It was said that no harm could befall a lost traveller who sought shelter under the branches of a beech, considered to be one of the few truly holy trees in the wood. Prayers uttered under a beech go straight to heaven. Slivers of beech wood and leaves were once carried as talismans to bring good luck and increase creative energy.

Folklore and Tradition

Abilities:         Protecting and nurturing.
                Old writings and knowledge.
                Rediscovering old wisdom. Wishes.
​   Letting go of fixed ideas.
               Understanding, sustenance.

The Oracle
Protecting the heart
Creates space for trust
For new growth.
Remembering brings wisdom:
We gain future learning
From our experience of what has gone before
Spirit overcomes time.
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